Thursday, January 3, 2008

"Internal Peace"

Finding the peace inside ourselves is a sure fire cure for finding the peace that fills our outside.

Internal turmoil and restlessness with yourself can be projected times ten to everyone and thing around you.

Problems that you have with others do not necessarily mean the problems are theirs, it is most likely that the problem lays with you and caused by the internal strife that you project onto them.

We all have moments, some more than others, where we feel our problems are someone else's fault. If we have someone to blame for our unhappiness, then that is easier than admitting we are not doing to well with out walk with the Lord or finding the contentment that we long for.

No one but ourself can make us happy. I can't blame my employer for me being unhappy and hating my job, they are not stopping me from moving on or being happy, I am. I'm to blame for not doing something about it before it got this far.

Now, if your world is seemingly upside down and things out of whack, try looking on the inside for a better solution than looking to others for a really bad and false reason.

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