Thursday, December 27, 2007

" What are you doing to your children??"

Why are you teaching incorrectly or not teaching at all your children things about God and Church?

Children learn from you and form their values and futures from what they are taught or not taught from their parents.


A song, a motto, a lesson in the bible. The Lord doesn't care about your back grounds, your clothes, your money situations, your roots or bloodlines as long as you love Him, worship Him, follow Him.

Religious backgrounds can show themselves in what we teach our children.

If you need a point to all this it could be to not teach our children to resent God or the church, because of what you forced on them as children. The goal here is to keep them connected to Him after you are not in control of their lives anymore.

A very sad thing was told to me one day. This lady who was talking to me, told how she forced her children to dress to the "nines" and go through a pomp routine every time they went to church. Her statement was that "we have the clothes and we are going to look good to go to church. We don't live in the slums and we are not going to dress as such." Well, she didn't but she didn't have it all either. To me right there cut off all listening to this bull and set in motion this blog and a better than thou attitude from her or more likely someone so lost in her faith that she needed to be and show more than she was to be able to worship the Lord.

If you go to church just to go or to show off, then don't go at all. The ones who are truly searching for his grace and love don't need false images to guide them and get them even more lost.

Same with our children, if you raise then up to put on false images for others and a holy place then your just sending them backwards down the path of grace. The pathway to grace is long and hard enough as it is, without teaching unnecessary ideas and false teachings.

In the end if going to church is made to be such a hassle for children, then they are surely not going to keep going when they leave home, and the ones who do will only carry on the wrong and false teachings that have been melded into their brains all their lives.

Stop the false images and teachings NOW!

Learn the truth and seek the Light, it will be the only way to guarantee the future of your children's connection with God.

Teach your children to dress properly(i.e.: pants that fit, shirts that don't reveal) everyday and they are all set for church.

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