Thursday, October 18, 2007


It's not time to give up!!

Listen to me and what the Lord has to tell you..

The Lord sent me here to tell you that it's not the end and that with him everything will be just fine.

So you blame God for all your problems or you think he has abandoned you, well knock it off.


Tough love the most difficult thing that anyone has to deal with, but to get through to someone they love or care about, then sometimes there are things that need to be said or done to get your attention. I don't know you, but I care and for goodness sakes the Lord Loves you and he wants you to love him and believe that he will fix what ever it is that is causing the downer feelings.

You have fallen so into yourself that you feel like you are six feet under and even possibly wishing you were there. Well let me tell you, that, is the furthest place you need to be.
God put you on this earth and he will be the one to take you off it.

Keep in mind that where you are could very well only be temporary and if not then why are you not seeking help from a doctor or someone who could listen to whats bothering you. Depression itself can take a while to get over and get adjusted but doesn't mean that your stuck with it forever.

Depression is a disease of sorts, a chemical imbalance in the brain that disturbs our thought processes and causes stinky thinking. There is far from anything to be ashamed of, millions of people deal with this everyday and function wonderful full lives with medication(if needed) or counseling(cause sometimes you just need someone to talk to).

Then there are ones like me who went through a bout of depression for about a year or more. I went to the doctors and the counselors, tried the medication that didn't work and talking wasn't a strong suit of mine but the counselor couldn't figure it out either plus I didn't feel that he "got me". Feelings of non purpose, gloom and doom, totally unhappy with anything and everything.
Thoughts of offing myself were there very frequently, but fortunately I loved the Lord too much to disappoint him with a stupid action of my own doing. But believe me everyday I prayed to him to do it for me, to leave me on the side of the road driving back and forth to work. I traveled far to work at that time and my only form of transportation was a motorcycle. The last thing a person with suicidal notions needs to be driving. A deer or another car or even a slick spot at the right time would have suited me just fine.

After months of wanting to give up, crying and praying all the time for the help i needed or the end to come. the feelings and the bad thoughts seemed to just slip away just as slowly as they crept up on me to begin with.

Not a depression drug on board or a psychiatrist to over pay the depression left and never returned.

A God thing? Definitely..

Truly depression, probably not. Time, new love and theories have profoundly opened my eyes to exactly what I was going through. Because less than a year after I was feeling better, I found my sole mate and turns out that it was him that I was hurting for not myself. The exact same time that I was hurting so badly for no apparent reason, he was hurting tremendously over a very apparent reason he was going through.

Depression comes on slow and goes away seemingly slower, but not any of it isn't fixable.

God and his son fixes it better than any doctor and he is the highest counselor of all, but do not go untreated if what you are feeling could be medical. Get the depression meds if needed, but continue to draw yourself closer to the Lord and pray to him to heel you and maybe you won't need the drugs to cope.(don't stop the drugs tho without doc approval, there are weaning thing that have to happen for the chemical aspects)

Always seek the Lord for any problem you have, you'd be amazed how he heals.

Seek professional help, as i did, and if this is just temporary and the Lord intends to take control then what the doc's have won't work, but don't give up on any of it or think it all fails you.

Find a pastor of a church, preferably a non denominational one, that way there aren't any traps of falling into bad religion rules and ideas. These guys are very good listeners and they especially can answer questions concerning God and his son and how they have not abandoned you, that they are carrying you.

If you think you have tried and nothing has worked, try again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.