Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Getting God right. There is nothing to really get right or wrong. The most important things to remember is the simplicity of His love and how freely he gives it and how freely he will take it if you are willing to give it.

Open your eyes and look at all the things/people that God has put in front of you that he wants you to do or take care of.

The best things in life come when your not even looking for them or wanting them.

stop looking at what you don't have and start looking for the things others don't have and see if you can help them, then what you thought you needed or wanted may become less important or they will show up on your door step.

Keep in mind: Give more than you have to give and God will return to you more than you need.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"It shouldn't matter"

I don't think it matters what we think or know God has done for us or that he sent Jesus to die for us.

He's our father, creator, our savior in all things - we should respect and obey him..

Do as we are told and/or guided.

Follow HIS rules.

Love and live in him, in us.

God came 1st and will alwys be 1st.

Stop trying to figure things out that he's done and why.

It doesn't matter...there is no justification needed to love our God, no conscious reasoning required. He does not put prerequisites on his love for us, we should not either.

HE is here - HE is now!

God is what is... Live with it and Live for it!

Friday, February 15, 2008

"God's NOT too busy!"

Today, I cried when I heard a song on the radio. Not just any song, this song made me sad because the man singing was trying to tell people how he thought God was too busy to answer his prayer to bring someone back to him. Whether this person was alive or passed on he didn't clarify, but he totally missed the mark on what Gods position is in his life. The singer brought up many valid problems in his song that were probably way more important than his, but the problem that was missed was that there is not any problem too unimportant to God. Every prayer or problem no matter how little or big never goes unnoticed by our Father.

Like every good parent, God is never too busy to give time to you when you need it.

Never think that your not worth God's time just because the prayers you pray don't get answered.

God hears EVERY word and is catching every tear cried, but you also have to listen to him when he doesn't answer right away or at all, because his reason why are there you just have to pay attention.

Evaluate your prayers, think about and listen to what your praying for and figure out whether it's something you or someone else really needs, or if it's a prayer for convenience to make things the way you want things to be and not the way they need to be. Rephrase the prayer, maybe your not asking correctly, because God knows your heart and what it is that you need, but your mind has to meet the same criteria so that when your prayer is answered and it's not exactly the way you requested it, you can understand why and know he knows best.

Look at what your praying for also, to make sure that it is a reasonable request. Look to your heart, know that what your praying is what needs to happen or can in any possible way happen. It is true all things are possible with God, but the requests have to be within reason. He stopped raising people from the dead a long, long time ago.

You are important to him and every breathe you take he counts. Never be too humble to not ask for something you know you need and that he would be glad to give you, put others before yourself on earth, but it's o.k. to ask for yourself with him along with others.

You are important to GOD!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Owning What is Not Yours"

Don't own anything that is not material.

To own something is to claim it as your own. First, however, you must make sure there is not already an owner. This is very important when it comes to material property, but even more important when you start to try and own non-material things such as issues, situations, problems, feelings, grieving, etc...

When someone you know or love has a problem, hurt, issue, bad feelings going on, it is not your responsibility to take these and carry them around as your own burdens. Only one has that right and he carries the owner of the burdens with him.

You run to the rescue to a loved one who has been hurt or lost something or someone, to bare their hurt with them or try to take it away, only to end up taking it on all yourself and you end up with more problems of your own while the owner is freed and moves on.

Let me tell you.... YOU CAN'T TAKE IT AWAY AND YOU CAN'T FIX IT!!!

One, it's not your job and two, it's not going to go away without the Lord and sometimes lots of time.

This is very dangerous and crushing to someone who sees them self as a "care giver" and can cause more damage to the person who "tried to help" then the person who had the loss or problem to begin with.

Face the fact also if it applies that it is o.k. if you weren't necessarily needed for that problem, and also look beyond your own family to be a proper care giver, it doesn't count if all you ever look after are husbands and children.

To be a "care giver" you have to be able to separate yourself when you are addressed with a problem that just isn't fixable but to just support and be there.

This unfortunately is the failure point that crushes the plans of the "care giver". Causing feelings of needlessness, rejection, leading to depression, stinky thinking, negative attitudes, and over compensation to try to do more for ones who don't necessarily need your services at the point in which the "care giver" needs a "give or help" fix.

A story:

A mother runs to the side of her daughter who has just become a widow, the mother wants so very badly to save her and take away her pain. Protect her from the hurt, to do what ever she needs for her. Yet in return the daughter is showing to be a strong person, raised and trained through life to be responsible and able to deal and cope with stressors that come her way. Although a very heart breaking situation the daughter barrels through like a champ. Grieving in her own way,(like everyone should), moving forward to respect the valor of her beloved and taking care of things the way he deserved, proud to have ever been married to such a fine man.

The daughter, surrounded by her mother and all the family she could ever need, she was able to relate to and become closer to her mother-in-law who not so long ago lost her love and now her son. They were two who could and should support each other merely due to common griefs.

Now, there leaves the daughters mother, still pushing through, wanting to take care of her and take away all the pain and hurt, not yet really dealing with the loss of a son-in-law she could have claimed as her own.

The good byes are said and tears are cried, now what?

The mother doing what I would do, moves in with the now single mom, moving their home closer to help the daughter with the baby and the homestead left a little emptier. All the while the mother is taking possession of all the grief, all the hurt and taking care of things. Instead of grieving and including herself in the group who was being taken care of and grieving together, she took ownership of the pain and sorrow leading her into a trap and a vicious cycle of highs and lows using this loss as a crutch in life to convince herself she can't do for herself, or creating ideas of negativity and rejection from others that are not true. Why? only she knows for sure, is it because she's led herself so far down this road that it's all she believes, or a cry for attention that just leads to more anger, frustration, hurt and rejected feelings when no one understands what's going on in her head.

The daughter has now moved forward, still grieving yet able to function and fulfill dreams and goals her husband would have been proud of. She's out blossoming from the love her husband gave her, giving and spreading his love for all people as far as she can.

This where the daughter has used her loss for the greater good, the mother burries herself so deep in a hole with all that she has taken on herself that when the daughter grows enough in strength to move out of the home and live close but not under the same roof, the mother doesn't know what to do but sit, ponder and stew. Dwelling deeper and deeper, creating thoughts of rejection, disappointment of others, failure, figuring the only thing left is being alone and scaring her self so much of things untrue. The next things to happen are deeper depressions, anxieties, new fears, paranoia, anger, frustration with everything normal, and the negativity starts owning her.

Dwelling daily on a loss that everyone around her has and is still dealing with and continuing to grieve, yet the difference is that the others did not let the grief and hurt take control of their lives, but celebrated the one lost just the way he would have wanted it. The others who lost did not own this grief as all their own, they shared it with others who grieved and handed it over to the Lord with the comfort that he was taken care of and happier than all of us. The memory of the loss should never be a crutch in life, or a reason not to live yours. Letting the grief or problems of your own or of other rule whether you get out of bed in the morning or not, go to work everyday or find work to help your own family home is the same as opening the front door and telling satin to come right on in, I'm all yours.

The best depression medicine in the word of our God, and the only consoler is in the arms or our God. God has suffered many losses and sacrifices but doesn't expect us to carry ours around, he didn't issues burden luggage for this flight he allows no carry ons. Only freedom in him and love of life for him.

So if your carrying around things you shouldn't be you better check them at the door before he comes around. The only crutches in life are for broken legs, theirs no one to blame for your attitude but you and figure it out before you run off the only people who really care about you, cause even they will stop trying to help you if you won't help yourself. Broken records get tossed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"ALL are welcome"

This blog is to address churches of organized religions or non. You know who you are, but if your oblivious to this message then I pray that someone in your congregation recognizes this problem I am about to address and brings it to light and it's fixed immediately!!

Churches with this problem just aught to be ashamed of your self for the pompous attitudes and holier than thou beliefs instilled and pawned off on the congregation from who ever started the church or religion.

There's a final straw somewhere and something better give(and SOON), before no one wants to go to church ever, anywhere for what ever reason. Extreme thinking? I think not, because its happening everyday more and more people leave or are driven away from a church and never seek another or return to any other.

If this does happen then doubly shame on you and I pray for all your souls who support these ideas and acts.

The problem here is the outrageous act of pushing someone away from church because "they don't fit in";"they don't belong here";"lets make them feel uncomfortable then maybe they'll leave";"ooh, a stranger lets not talk to them we might have to like them". Every day there is someone who is kicked out of a church for one and many more reasons like these and it is an outrage. An absolute outrage! I cry every time I here of someone else that has been shunned from a church or turned away. All because of the way they dressed, their race or culture, where they came from, the way they even worship. Yes, people have been pushed out of churches because they worshiped the Lord and praised God just a little different than the others in the church.

The straw that broke my back about this issue was one very recently, where a mother was force to leave her church because her special needs child made too much noise during the services.

A "special needs child"!?! Not a mother who brought her crying baby to church every Sunday and refused to calm him or take him to the nursery, but a mother with a child that does not understand his/her actions, who may or may not understand the actions of others(especially the quieting gestures and requests of his own mother). A child that lives in a world who doesn't understand him/her, a child, if had been treated with an ounce of respect or the mother given the option to have a special class for him/her during service offered to her so that she too could have worshiped our Savior with the others without her own worries that they might interrupt or bother someone.

"CHRISTIAN" PEOPLE AFRAID OF A CHILD. not very Christian in my book

neither situation would be any reason for to tell someone that they have to leave the church. Churches are here to help and hold solutions for the people who seek God, not just help and nurture the ones of your choosing.

Solutions, what would have taken to have asked or invited a special ed teacher to your church to teach a "during service Sunday school"? Why would have this been so difficult to do? What? It wasn't feasible because it might draw others of "their kind" into your church and seek the Lord? You know there are thousands, probably millions of families who don't seek a church home because of family members/children with disabilities, who will not be accepted there. And that is because they have tried or heard other stories about families in their same situation being treated like lepers and run off from the only place they thought they could be accepted and loved for being children of God.

The mother with the crying child, did anyone bother to ask her if there was anything they could do to help? Maybe she was trying to make the best effort possible for a single mom to attend church, that she felt keeping her child with her was her only available resource. Did anyone tell her that the nursery had a speaker in it to let the nursery workers hear the service too(or put one in for her and others), that there was a place she could go without missing anything? No...

These people were judged from the second they walked in the door and were never given a chance to give their testimony to who they were and how they came to you in need of your love.

The young single mom instantly judged as someone who "got her self in trouble", only if someone had offered a loving welcome or ear could have found out that she was a widow. Her husband killed in the line of duty protecting your butt from a fire, terrorist, stupid drugged out punk with a gun..

Or the single mother trying to raise a beautiful gift that God gave her and do the best she can with the very little that she has or that can be done to help her. A child who knows God better than all of us. In reference to earlier blogs, children and special needs people are closer to Him than anyone because they keep the innocence that we fight so hard to get back after we have allowed the devil and this devilish world to take from us. To be able to hang out for only one hour a week with a blessing such as these angels God has given, could be a blessing to me in so many ways. To look into their eyes and see the eyes of God and to see their minds working to hear Him, their eyes shine and big smiles when Gods speaks to them. I long for that moment, I have seen it in my niece's face and eyes from the day she was born and I look for it every time she's around. The feeling puts me back to a times when i have been the closest to him and felt him.

"ALL ARE WELCOME HERE" the words of our Father and Savior with NO ifs or buts.

There is only one prerequisite to going to church and thats,


Please spread the word about this outrage and let the world know that if there is an "application" process to going to a certain church, say no thank you and politely leave, don't feel offended, just feel sorry that the people, believing that this is the way to go to church and to treat others there, have to live with their sorry selves and are going to face the Judge and Maker in their end.

STRAIGHTEN UP CHURCHES and RELIGIONS, people WILL know the truth about God and our Savior Jesus Christ, they will leave you to find the ones who will love them and help them grow in Christ and I will try my best with what God give me to make this so.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

"Internal Peace"

Finding the peace inside ourselves is a sure fire cure for finding the peace that fills our outside.

Internal turmoil and restlessness with yourself can be projected times ten to everyone and thing around you.

Problems that you have with others do not necessarily mean the problems are theirs, it is most likely that the problem lays with you and caused by the internal strife that you project onto them.

We all have moments, some more than others, where we feel our problems are someone else's fault. If we have someone to blame for our unhappiness, then that is easier than admitting we are not doing to well with out walk with the Lord or finding the contentment that we long for.

No one but ourself can make us happy. I can't blame my employer for me being unhappy and hating my job, they are not stopping me from moving on or being happy, I am. I'm to blame for not doing something about it before it got this far.

Now, if your world is seemingly upside down and things out of whack, try looking on the inside for a better solution than looking to others for a really bad and false reason.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"Short cuts of life"

There aren't any...

Take the long way around, its saves a lot of unnecessary work later when it doesn't get done right the first time.

The seemingly "sure thing" short cuts are the key to knowing that its gonna lead to more or harder work later.

Take time to smell the roses and do the dirty work of pruning the thorns then you better appreciate the smell.