Friday, November 9, 2007
"Gods Grace"
God gives his grace to all people no matter what they have said or done to him. we are made in his image and that doesn't mean that we are going to be walking around with long white beards and large hands that could rule the world.
Gods image is inside and unseen, unless it's shown to the world by your own grace through him.
The "Holy spirit", ever heard of it? Well, that is what God gave us when he made us and reinforced by sending his unfailing love to us in his Son who died so that we could live in spiritual freedom.
Gods grace flows all over and needs to be spread even further. Giving Gods grace is not a simple task to do for him, but it's one that MUST be performed in order to turn people around and put them on a right track of following the Lord Jesus.
Grace MUST fall on people who are negative, hateful, mean, less understanding or stubborn, full of evil. Even the most dreadful person to be around can be turned by the grace of God, but it has to be given by us in order to help them see what grace that God gives to them everyday in life.
A person who lived in solitude or in less than perfect conditions growing up is going to be the hardest ones to turn unless they are grabbed at an early age to know and trust in the love of God. This type of person is going to try to lead a normal life despite their upbringing but will not stray to far from what they know and are comfortable with. Then, sometimes this type of person tries to lead their life down a path that is better and what they think they want their life to be like, then it can all of a sudden not be a comfortable place to be for them because they don't understand feelings that happen or situations that they get them selves into. So they lash out in certain ways that may end up being put offish and mean to others, especially others that are trying to care about them.
This is where the grace of God is the only thing thats going to work to make things better, because if that person has never known grace, then they need to learn to live with it. Love of family is a strong bond and a perfect example of Gods grace. We love unconditionally and blood has no lines, where then someone who has never received the true love of family or grace will not have any comprehension or relativity to understand, which makes them uncomfortable with receiving the love. Which usually results in hurt feelings, pushing ones away and the lack of understanding by the ones serving the grace.
Beware though that this could take a long time, depending on the time that person has spent with out grace and love. It can be a long haul and very frustrating to the ones who serve. Brick walls pave the way and we just need to arm ourselves with a sledge hammer of Gods Grace to break them down has they happen.
Never take negativity and hatefulness personally because you may not be the only one who is treated this way, most times if we get ourselves caught in the line of fire during their bad moment it would appear that its personally directed, but in reality everyone would be treated this way by the negative person because its all they know. Why do we get caught in the cross fire by them, its probably because we are the best suited to give Gods grace to that person at that time and we should never turn down a chance to say "I LOVE YOU!" to someone who has in no certain words just said "I Hate You!"..
Love thy friend and neighbor but LOVE you enemy more(they need it)..
Thursday, November 8, 2007
"Finding yourself."
Our lord holds us, carries us, takes care of us. We do all things in God and God alone. Finding yourself when your lost is not an easy task but one we must do from time to time. The problem is that when we get lost of ourselves sometimes and most tines God is the one who is lost to us and not ourselves. If we feel lost and dismembered at times, we need to look to our hearts and see what is really missing, is it myself and things around me or am I missing the lord?
Pretty sure the answer is going to be the lord and not having a truly close and as humanly possible fully understanding what the lord does for us and what we need to do for him. He died so that we may live, so we have a lot of catching up to do the full fill the things that the lord never got to in his human form. Live life to the fullest..
Keeping this in mind we must start thinking like him and doing as he would do, cause what we think he would do is exactly what he wants us to do. Live for him, love for him, always think of others before yourself, take care of ourselves but to the minimum and over abundance to others.
Keeping negative and stinky thinking thoughts and ideas in your head is a sure fire way to mess things up. Nothing is ever as bad as we make it to be, there can always be worse. Look at where you are in your life and what you have been blessed with, and I know that there are going to be at least 5 other people in your life or that you have ever met that have it way worse or just not as good. Count your blessings everyday and thank god for what you have and stop downing yourself with things you don’t.
If you don’t have it, get it, make it happen, it won’t fall in your lap like magic and never give up on God’s love and his son’s life he gave for us.
He will always be there and never leave, keep him closer than anything in the world cause with him the world is a wonderful place.